Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.
The mind-body connection plays an important role in overall wellness. Our thoughts and feelings can positively or negatively affect biological functioning, while what we do with our physical body (nutrition and exercise) can also impact our mental state.
The UT Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to provide free, CONFIDENTIAL assistance to help employees and their families resolve problems that influence their personal lives or job performance. Spouses and dependent children of employees also qualify for EAP benefits.The program is available to all benefits-eligible UT employees and their immediate families, regardless of whether you participate in the State’s Group Health Insurance Program. The state EAP provides free short-term counseling, financial counseling, and brief legal advice for regular employees scheduled to work at least 75% (30 hours per week) time. Seminars are also available throughout the state.
The State of Tennessee EAP contact is Optum 1-855-Here4TN (1-855-437-3486) or