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Facts About Juuling

Can I Vape on Campus?

The Smoke-Free Campus policy includes vaping/ juuling. Therefore, smoking of any kind, including with e-cigarettes, is not permitted on campus.

Smoke Free Policy

Is Juuling/ Vaping safe?

Some research says it is safer than traditional cigarettes and some say it is worse, but the consensus is that it is not healthier than abstaining from smoking. Due to the newness of this technology there is limited information on how it specifically effects your health long term. Additionally, the research available at this time does not allow scientists to draw causal links.

What we do know is that inhaling most substances negatively impacts health. We know these devices contain nicotine and this results in the same issues as the nicotine in traditional cigarettes which can include issues with your heart and brain as well as hormones that regulate sexual desire/performance and metabolism. Therefore, researchers are cautious about use of e-cigarettes until more is known. The safety of e-cigarette devices has yet to be completely analyzed but in general putting unknown substances in your body is not the healthiest choice.

What is in the liquid?

Each brand offers a “proprietary blend” meaning that they all have different combinations and concentrations of chemicals. This is why research is so varied in their findings because the make-up of the liquid is inconsistent across brand and flavor. The common ingredients across brands are Nicotine, Propylene Glycol and Acetylproprionyl.

No, it is not just water vapor. Most include some concentration of nicotine which may be higher or lower than a traditional cigarette. Regardless, nicotine is an addictive substance and you can become addicted to vaping/juuling. Nicotine still has an impact on your cardiovascular and neurological systems regardless if consumed by traditional cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

Propylene Glycol is found in common items such as toothpaste but also fog machines. There is limited research on the impact that this has when heated and inhaled such as with e-cigarettes.

Acetylproprionyl is used in many e-cigarettes as a flavoring agent. Animal studies have showed harm to fibers in the lungs when inhaled but it is not classified as a “dangerous chemical” because these effects are mitigated when consumed in other ways.

How do I know if I’m addicted to Juuling?

If you answer yes to the following questions it might be a sign of an addiction.

  1. Do you crave your Juul or other e-cigarette device?
  2. Do you have to smoke more to get the same feeling you got in the beginning?
  3. Do you get headaches or other physical discomfort when you do not use your device?
  4. Are you irritable when you do not use your device?
  5. Do you make promises to stop, either to yourself or others, that you do not follow through on?
  6. Do you spend a lot of money on it?

These questions give you a good sense of your habit, but we encourage talking to a doctor or counselor more to assess the full nature of the behavior since we cannot provide an official diagnosis through this page.

Why are E-cigs not offered as cessation products?

The FDA does not regulate e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation product and therefore are not typically offered by physicians as such. Additionally, although one is not exposed to carbon monoxide and tar as with traditional cigarettes recent short-term research does raise concerns for exposure to the chemicals in e-cigarettes.

The other concern with using e-cigarettes as a cessation product is that it does not break the behavioral habit with one’s fingers and mouth; making quitting e-cigarettes difficult.

How do I stop Juuling?

You quit juuling like you quit smoking. Ultimately, you are giving up the same addictive chemical (nicotine) and a similar motion as smokers. Therefore, a lot of the resources and tips provided to individuals who smoke traditional cigarettes applies to those who smoke e-cigarettes.

Tips to Quit!

How do I get my friend to stop Juuling?

What is important is that you empower your friend. It takes multiple quit attempts for individuals so be patient with them. Also know that it is okay to inform them of risks, but they are the ones who get to make choices for their life. Once they do choose to quit you can support them in multiple ways. Help them avoid situations where they would be surrounded by smokers or individuals juuling. You can model positive self-talk when they are experiencing cravings by reminding them why they are quitting and that they can get through it. Validate their emotions but also help them find the positive in the situation. You can also help them find a distraction while in a craving. Lastly, just be a friend. Listen to them and help them in the ways that they want help; social support is incredibly important to cessation so help them feel connected.

Do you have other questions about Juuling? Please email us at to help you find the information or resources you are looking for.