HealthyUT – January 2017
The HealthyUT Newsletter, formerly known as the Wellness Wednesday Newsletter, is a monthly publication where events, information, and resource to support healthy lifestyles will be shared with the UT Knoxville Community. It will serve as our communication with our campus community as we try to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
Campus Wellness Awards *NEW*
Be Well is proud to announce the launch of the Campus Wellness Awards. These wellness “mini-grants” were created to provide opportunities for departments to develop health and wellness related initiatives in partnership with Be Well. The project must align with one or more of the Be Well focus areas: Move More, Eat Better, and Cut out Tobacco. Award recipients will work with Be Well staff to implement the proposed projects. As we strive to make the University of Tennessee a healthier place, we encourage you to apply for one of five awards of up to $500 to promote wellness in your department. Sustainable projects and projects which include department matching funds are highly encouraged. Join the movement and complete the following application by February 17th.
Wellness Warrior
The Wellness Warrior Award is given to individuals across campus who are nominated by their peers for leading by example and inspiring through action to create a healthier lifestyle.
Be Well is excited to announce the first Wellness Warrior of 2017! Sarel Van Amstel, a professor with the Large Animal Clinical Science program for over 20 years. Every day at 5:15, Dr. Sarel van Amstel (professor, Large Animal Clinical Sciences Dept) leads a 20- to 45-minute exercise program for students, faculty, & staff in the College of Veterinary Medicine.The workouts are not for the faint at heart, but hearing occasional horse neighs in the background and looking over to see Dr. van Amstel giving his all encourages everyone to keep going.
Dr. van Amstel began his journey when he developed a serious disease as a student in the sixties. His disease then became chronic due to misdiagnosis. For 10 years he suffered relapses as doctors failed to provide him with any effective treatment. Dr. van Amstel turned to exercise in search of some relief after a suggestion from a friend. He noticed immediate relief both physically and mentally due to physical activity. The monthly relapses became a thing of the past. Dr. van Amstel begin to believe that one day he could be really fit and strong. Soon after he would be training and participating in marathons.
“The monthly relapses disappeared. I started running marathons and the image became a reality – I became fit and strong. I was and still is very thankful and during one morning run with my dog an ode to running came into my head:
In the anguish of a stricken soul
An image was born
And now in sweat
I praise the dawn.”
Congratulations Dr. van Amstel, and thank you for being such a motivating model of health and wellness.
Making the healthy choice is not always the easy choice. To nominate someone who you feel is deserving of the Wellness Warrior Award please fill out this nomination form.
Move More
By now it has become common knowledge that physical inactivity is bad for our health and that exercise is good. However, many recent studies are highlighting the ill-effects of sitting and how detrimental it can be. People who work out but also sit for long hours — active couch potatoes, you might say — may often share the same elevated risks for disease and early death as their less active peers. Meeting the recommendations for physical activity and exercise may not enough if we spend the majority of our day sitting at our desks at work or on our coaches at home. Living a healthy and balanced life is the most important factor to consider when thinking about our active lifestyle. –
Eat Better
Eating healthy can be challenging for everyone. More so on a college campus given all of the demand on student and employee times. In an effort to make the healthy choice the easy choice on our campus, Be Well is excited to share the Eating Healthy on Campus Guide. Find the healthy options in all of your favorite food locations on campus. Healthy Eating Guide – Be Well.
Be Mindful
New Year, New Me. This year is going to be different. At least that is what we say to ourselves every year. But how can we really make this year different? How do we manage the stresses of life while achieving our goals?
The first and easiest step is to create realistic goals. This may sound very simple and obvious. It is normal to get excited and feel motivated at the start of a new year. You may be full of energy and ready to tackle the world. It is this feeling that could be the source of our change but it can also be the source of our downfall. Our first task should always to manage our ambitions. It is vital to set realistic and achievable goals. If we set our sights too far we may be setting ourselves up for failure.
The reason that the majority of New Year Resolutions fail and most of us quit by mid-February is burn out. When making your goals make sure to set SMART goals:
• Specific • Measurable • Achievable • Realistic • Time-based
Be Well.