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Wellness Role Models

The Wellness Role Models are influencers that other’s look to for inspiration, motivation, and strength to carry on and persist with their own health aspirations. We at Be Well want to recognize these amazing Role Models and will select Award Recipients every month of the year and highlight them in our Monthly Be Well Newsletter!


Nominate a Wellness Role Model Today!

Wellness Role Model Nomination

The Wellness Role Model Award is recognition of individual efforts to lead by example when it comes to making healthier choices. It is a model employee (faculty / staff / graduate assistant) who has demonstrated strength, resilience, courage, determination, and fortitude towards one, two, or all of the 8-Dimensions of Wellness: Physical, Environmental, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, and Occupational. Feel free to nominate any UTK Faculty, Staff member, or Graduate Assistant who you feel is deserving of this award.

  • The name of the person you're nominating. Self-nominations are welcome.
  • Please explain why you believe this individual is deserving of the Wellness Role Model Award? Describe the choices they have made to lead a healthy life surrounded in wellness and please include one or more of the 8-Dimensions of Wellness this is related to.