UTK Faculty and Staff are invited to participate in the National Faculty and Staff Health Assessment (ACHA-NFSHA) research study sponsored and distributed by the American College Health Association (ACHA). The University of Tennessee is one of many universities taking a part in this study to receive accurate information about the health and wellness of their campus from the faculty and staff. The ACHA-NFSHA is a survey designed to assess faculty staff health behaviors in order to provide better services and support for The University of Tennessee employees.
If you choose to participate, you may benefit by knowing that you have assisted in providing accurate information regarding health/wellness behaviors on the University of Tennessee’s campus. The information gained will be used to develop wellness programs and services for the Be Well Program at the University of Tennessee.
The ACHA-NFSHA is completed online via the Internet. We encourage you to complete the survey in one sitting, which typically takes about 20-30 minutes.
After completing the survey participants of this research study will have an opportunity to be entered into a drawing to be one of 50 to win a fitbit fitness tracking band or a wireless headphones. For those who do not want to participate in the research study, but wish to be entered into the drawing, please email Yusof Al-Wadei your name, email, and phone number to yalwadei@utk.edu to be entered. The drawings for the incentives will be held within three days of the close of the survey. Winners will be notified via email within one week of survey closure if they have won an incentive prize.
A link to participate in the survey will be sent to members of the faculty and staff at the University of Tennessee via their UTK emails.
For any questions regarding the survey or the Be Well program, contact Be Well Coordinator, Yusof Al-Wadei at yalwadei@utk.edu